D and C Wedding Planning Bio
September 29, 2011

Welcome to our wedding planning bio. We have four months to go, and people keep telling me I have a lot done, but I just don't believe I do!

Maybe putting this site together will help calm my anxiety. Or, perhaps I just need more wine. Either way, the purpose is share my ideas and pictures with the lovely ladies of the Knot, and my family and friends.

D and I live in Southcentral Alaska 200 miles South of Anchorage. D is a sportfishing charter boat captain who works May through October. He bought his first boat when he was 20, and started his own now-successful business. He was born and raised in this small town where we live and went to college in Montana. He has a BA in Secondary Education and Biology, but hasn't taught yet!

I am a psychologist for the school district, and I work with Pre-K through 8th grade doing assessments of kids referred for special ed, and I consult with teachers on behavior management and all things school-student learning related. I was born and raised in Montana and met D when I completing my Masters and Ed. Specialist degrees at the University of Montana.

Now, 3 years later, we are finally getting married! Surprisingly, D is very involved in planning (as much as he can be now with the fishing season starting). It is hard planning this shindig long- distance without my family around, but I am still enjoying every bit of it!

D also bought a house 2 months before we got engaged, so we have been super busy with the home inprovements as well. It's been quite the experience handling all of this within the same year. I think our ability to handle these two major events simultaneously, without killing eachother, bodes well for our future marriage!